Grain Deep Dive
Grain foods are one of the major food groups as part of an overall healthy eating plan. When you think about a meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you should aim to have about one-quarter of that meal coming from grain foods. Learn more about the nutritional benefits of grain foods in the resources below.
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- Carbs & Exercise
- Cozy Comforts
- Fiber: Regularity and Aging
- Folic Acid Tips
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- Gluten Free Facts
- Healthy Aging
- Heart Health
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- Nutritional Benefits of Grains
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- Whole Grains and Weight Management
Healthy Aging in the Hispanic Population Caring for Abuelita: The Joys and Challenges
By Sylvia Meléndez Klinger While most people are waking to their first cup of coffee, I am already making breakfast for my 83-year-old mom who ...
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Are your clients going carb-free? Help them think again for healthy, active aging
by Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN We all share the goal of helping 50+ individuals stay healthy and active. And, we all know that healthy aging ...
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Healthy Aging: Just the Facts
Grain foods are the foods we love that love us back. Bread, specifically, is a tasty and nutritious food at any age, and especially for ...
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Carbs & Exercise: Commonly Asked Questions
Why are carbohydrates under-consumed by active adults? Active adults often do not consume sufficient carbohydrate to replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores. The reasons include ...
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Carbs & Exercise: Just the Facts
Why we need carbohydrates for exercise Carbohydrate plays a crucial role in exercise by providing fuel to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for working muscles. Carbohydrates ...
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Fiber: Common Questions & Answers
How helpful is the food label in identifying fiber in foods? The nutrition facts panel currently lists “dietary fiber” as a total of fibers in ...
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Fiber: Just the Facts
Constipation is a common gastro-intestinal complaint in older adults and is more common in women than men.1 There are some age-related changes in the gut that ...
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Sandwich Hacks with Stacey Krawczyk, RD
Registered dietitian Stacey Krawczyk gives helpful insights to getting the most nutrients from your next sandwich.
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Grain Foods in Infant Diets Linked to Superior Diet Quality
A new study recently published in Nutrients highlights the importance of grains as part of a healthy infant diet – and the potential risks of excluding ...
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You Can Have Your Refined Grains and Eat Them Too!
The healthy way to start the day! Studies show that eating refined grains will not increase your risk of disease. You can enjoy up to ...
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Don’t Refrain, Eat Your Refined Grains
There is no reason to cut refined grains from your diet. Enjoying up to seven servings a day will contribute to nutrient intakes of several ...
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Q&A: Whole Grains & Weight Management
I want to lose weight – should I cut carbs? There is no evidence that a low-carb diet supports weight loss. Most health professionals do ...
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Q&A: Whole Grains and Heart Health
How do whole grains contribute to heart health? Whole grain foods contain fiber, a nutrient that’s important for keeping the heart healthy. Fiber works as ...
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Just the Facts: Whole Grains and Heart Health
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Genetics play a role in determining one’s heart disease risk, and there’s little ...
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Just the Facts: Whole Grains & Weight Management
Grain foods are a dietary staple, and with good reason: grain foods are an abundant source of carbohydrates, the preferred fuel for the brain, muscles ...
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“I Love Bread”
Those who enjoy rolls, biscuits and loaves have a new rallying cry: “I love bread!”. Sing-a-long to comedic track from Parry Gripp and watch as ...
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“Eat a Sandwich”
Those who enjoy sandwiches have a new rallying cry: “Eat a Sandwich!”. Sing-a-long to comedic track from Parry Gripp and watch as the animated cartoon ...
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The Ingredients INSIDE the Sandwich – Not the Bread Itself – are the Leading Contributors of Calories, Fat and Sodium
Americans can significantly and positively impact their consumption of calories, fat and sodium by making more deliberate decisions about sandwich ingredients. By building a better sandwich ...
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