Super Meal

Grain foods are one of the major food groups as part of an overall healthy eating plan. MyPlate, which is the tool developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help Americans make healthful choices, allots about one-quarter of a standard plate for grain foods, approximately the same amount as proteins, fruits, and vegetables. […]

Healthy Aging: Just the Facts

Grain foods are the foods we love that love us back. Bread, specifically, is a tasty and nutritious food at any age, and especially for healthy aging. Americans may be aging, but they are not slowing down. More than a third of the country’s population is over 50, and, more than ever, they are looking […]

Grains: In Good Company

Grains: In Good Company No one food can deliver a person’s complete nutrient needs. That’s why we have food groups, and why grains comprise just one-quarter of MyPlate. Thankfully, grains pair well with other nutrient-rich foods, and they tend to keep good company. Sandwiches are an excellent way to get more grains, while also delivering […]

Versatile, Affordable & Delicious

As Foundation Plant-Based Foods, Grains are Versatile, Affordable, and Delicious As plant-based foods, grains play a foundational role within all the DGA (Dietary Guidelines for Americans) recommended diet patterns. Many staple enriched grain foods are not only delicious but also versatile. Many are often partnered with other foods and food groups which improves the overall […]

The “Whole Truth” about Grains

THE “WHOLE TRUTH” ABOUT GRAINS​ Less than 8% of Americans consume the minimum recommendation for whole grain foods. Less than 10% of dietary fiber consumed comes from whole grain foods, and almost 40% of dietary fiber consumed comes from grain foods that are not 100% whole grain. Reducing the amount of enriched refined grain staple […]


Get the facts… on all your grain-related questions from our team of expert nutrition, wellness, and medical professionals. Explore everything you need to know on topics from gluten sensitivity and the side effects of gluten-free diets to enriched grains and the importance of a balanced diet. Jump to a Section B Vitamins How are B […]

What is a Grain Food?

Grains are the edible seeds of certain grasses. Wheat, oats, rice, and corn are common grain foods, as are barley, spelt, millet and sorghum. Pseudo grains are foods that are not true grains may be similar in appearance and nutrition to true grains. Examples of pseudo grains are quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth. Are grain foods […]

Grain Deep Dive

Grain Deep Dive Grain foods are one of the major food groups as part of an overall healthy eating plan. When you think about a meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you should aim to have about one-quarter of that meal coming from grain foods. Learn more about the nutritional benefits of grain foods in […]