Removing Gluten from our Diet Only Provides Temporary Solutions

Easy diets, miracle cures, self-medication and charlatanism are some of the triggers for people to have entered a trend that points to gluten as the cause of many of the digestive disorders that people suffer;however, eliminating it from a diet without being diagnosed can only mean an ephemeral solution that can bring with it new and more severe complications.

Although celiac disease affects only an average of 1% in developed countries like the United States and most of the European, many people have been involved in this trend when any discomfort of the digestive system appear.

As Dr. John Douillard explains in his book Eat Wheat (A Scientific And Clinical Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back to Into Your Diet), “Gluten food is not an accident of nature, humans have been eating wheat for millions of years for good reason ” and this is because of the many benefits that this and other grains provide to our body.

The medical care provided by the specialist has approached hundreds of patients who come to his office after experiencing non-medical remedies for digestive problems without a professional diagnosis.

Over and over again he has heard that one of the first actions they take is to eliminate gluten from their daily diet, and yes, there are some benefits, which are temporary, because after a while they have not only returned, but also have complicated. It is until a medical diagnosis is made that the discomforts can be treated.

It is so that providing a scientific and medical solution overthrow myths such as those that point out that gluten can cause maladies such as infertility, arthritis, autism and other diseases. On the contrary, eating wheat and other grains provide the body with important nutrients, such as carbohydrates that help maintain good cardiovascular health, and fiber that offers many benefits to the digestive system, from adequate transit to disposal of waste to help weight.

So before starting a gluten-free diet it is recommended to visit a doctor and be the one who provides a professional diagnosis, based on science and medicine.
