Nutrition Tips for Men Over 50
As people age, it’s important to focus on the quality of the foods they eat. Our calorie needs (and appetites) dwindle as we age, so making sure you get the best nutrient bang for your buck is vital. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, older adults fall short on nutrients such as calcium, dietary fiber, […]
Signs a Low Carb Diet Isn’t Working for You
A quick Google search for weight loss tips and you will likely see recommendations to reduce your carbohydrate intake. What those articles fail to realize is the overall impact carbohydrate restriction can have on your body long term. Are you pregnant, an athlete or a senior? Pregnant women need folate, a B-vitamin most associated with […]
Healthy Aging Q&A
Can “healthy” and “aging” really go together? Yes, absolutely! To be the best you can be as you age, the key is adopting strategies to help stay healthy and active for life. Healthy aging is powered by nutrition and physical activity.Four strategies upon which all experts agree: Eat healthfully with foods that supply quality, fiber-rich […]
Grains give nutrient density to older Americans – Make sure you are getting enough in your diet
by Chris Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN “There are more people on the planet over the age of 65 than ever before in human history.”1 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the U.S. population 65 years or older will double in 25 years to approximately 72 million.2 For those reaching 65 years of age, life […]
Women’s heart health: Aging with grace and vitality
As women age, they need to pay special attention to heart health in order to stay healthy and vibrant. Heart disease is the number-one killer of all women—more than all cancers combined—especially for women over the age of 75. When women get heart disease, they are more likely than men to have poor outcomes, with […]
Nutrition After Menopause – Be Your Best at Every Age
Bruce Young, MD Health care professionals are often asked by their female patients, friends and family members if nutrition needs change with aging, and especially after menopause. For women, every stage of life brings different nutritional needs. To be your best at any age, good nutrition and physical activity are foundational. For example, as a […]
Healthy Aging in the Hispanic Population Caring for Abuelita: The Joys and Challenges
By Sylvia Meléndez Klinger While most people are waking to their first cup of coffee, I am already making breakfast for my 83-year-old mom who moved in with us about three years ago. Taking care of our parents is customary in the Hispanics culture, however, I never anticipated the amount of work and effort needed. […]
Are your clients going carb-free? Help them think again for healthy, active aging
by Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN We all share the goal of helping 50+ individuals stay healthy and active. And, we all know that healthy aging is powered by nutrition and physical activity. As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I am often asked what foods to eat to get the most out of exercise. It is disheartening […]
Healthy Aging: Just the Facts
Grain foods are the foods we love that love us back. Bread, specifically, is a tasty and nutritious food at any age, and especially for healthy aging. Americans may be aging, but they are not slowing down. More than a third of the country’s population is over 50, and, more than ever, they are looking […]
Women’s Wellness: Lifelong Brain Health
As a girl grows to become a woman, her nutritional needs keep changing. Her body grows and changes, as does her brain. If she becomes pregnant, and afterward, her nutritional needs undergo enormous shifts. And in menopause, they change yet again. All of these are governed by her hormones and her level of physical activity, and thus affect her brain.