Grains are Good For You: The Benefits of Buns

Grains are good for you, the benefits of buns infographic

Grains are good for you. Buns and rolls contribute less than 2% of total calories while providing vital nutrients including fiber, calcium, folate and iron. If you are interested in increasing your fiber intake, try eating a whole grain bun or roll and include fiber rich vegetables to reach your fiber goals. Download this infographic.

The Vital Role of Grains in the American Diet

The vital role of grains in the American diet

Grains play an important role in the American diet, providing much-needed nutrients, such as folate, fiber and vitamin E. In today’s crowded media landscape, between fad diets and the ever-growing gluten-free craze, it is easy for consumers to become confused about the role of grain foods in the diet.

The Whole Grain Story

The Whole Grain Story

While whole grains get their start in the field, Americans love to start their days with whole grains to power them with essential Fiber, B Vitamins, and Minerals.

Enriquezca su salud con granos enteros

Enriquezca su salud con granos enteros

Una de cada cuatro muertes estadounidenses es causado por enfermedades cardiovasculares. Aprenda más sobre cómo comer más granos enteros pueden mejorar la salud del corazón.

Why dessert is disappearing from America’s dinner tables

Washington Post, 2/28/15 New NPD data indicates a decline in dessert consumption across American households. In 2014, only 12 percent of dinners eaten at home ended with something sweet; this is the lowest reading in more than 30 years.  

Top 5 Nutritional Tips to Decrease Your Risk of a Heart Attack

Huffington Post, 3/1/15 Naturopathic doctor, John Dempster, provides five nutrition tips to help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. He leverages the recent recommendation not to consider dietary cholesterol as a nutrient that contributes to heart disease by the DGAC to outline other nutritional tips that government has been “wrong” about, including the avoidance of […]

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans maintained the existing recommendation for the average healthy American adult to consume six servings of grain foods daily, including recommendations for infants aged birth to two years.

Folic Acid Plays Vital Role in Babies’ Health

Folic Acid

Each year, more than four million women in America give birth and 2,600 infants are born with neural tube defects. While there are simple preventative steps women can take, Americans are generally unaware of the impact that diet, specifically enriched grains, has on pregnancy and infant health.