Removing Bread from Diet Might Not Be the Answer

By Rocío Río de la Loza, Health Coach Did you know that by eliminating bread you are not necessarily eliminating gluten from your diet? Gluten is a naturally occurring protein present in wheat, rye, and barley and their derived products. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, gluten may be found in [1]: Whole grain kernels […]
How to Choose the Healthiest Bread

There are an infinite number of breads, each one is different and has the necessary health properties for each type of person. Follow these five steps to choose the healthiest bread for you! 1. Understand the label: The first step is to learn to read the nutritional information label[1] paying attention to the following data: […]
For Good Digestion: Bread

Bread benefits the digestive system in many ways; from promoting a good intestinal transit to the treatment of hemorrhoids. Whole grain bread is good for the digestive system particularly for the following two reasons: It contains large amounts of dietary fiber, soluble and insoluble, which prevents many gastrointestinal conditions. It is a natural prebiotic that […]
Five Health Benefits of Eating Bread

Bread is one of the most ancient forms of prepared foods by human groups. Throughout history, especially after the industrialization of bread making, it has taken a few hits from the health and wellness community, most recently by the low-carb diet and then the gluten-free trend. However, bread is still a staple food in diverse […]
Eating Whole Grains Prolongs Life

The English proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” sums up the importance of healthy eating, but, are we aware that our food makes the difference between life and death? A study by the Harvard School of Public Health reveals that consumption of whole grains could reduce the risk of mortality by up […]
Eating Bread has Great Health Benefits

Although it is often mistakenly suppressed from eating the moment a diet to lose weight is initiated, bread is one of the foods that make up the Mediterranean Diet, possibly the most balanced diet in the world, and it is recommended consumption of an integral ration for food. If you are a person who does […]
Eat Bread and… Lose Weight!

There are many people who choose not to include bread in their weight loss diets. However, nutritionists tell us that is a big mistake since bread contains fiber and carbohydrates which are necessary in a healthy and balanced diet. Further, medical and nutrition specialists have revealed something really interesting: you can eat bread and lose […]
Do You Know the Mediterranean Diet and its Health Benefits?

The Mediterranean diet was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2010 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It has been awarded such recognition because it involves “a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, and particularly the sharing and consumption of food”. […]
Do Not Be Afraid of Carbs, They Can Save Your Life.

Carbohydrates help cardiovascular health Many times when starting a diet some of the foods that are immediately eliminated are those that contain carbohydrates; However, it is important to differentiate those with low glycemic index, such as those found in whole grains, and those derived from sugars; The first ones are beneficial to health, while the […]
Carbohydrates for a Healthy Life

Contrary to common belief, carbohydrates are not exclusive to sugary, drinks, tempting desserts, or grain foods, but are present in many other healthy items including dried beans, carrots, berries, cauliflower, quinoa, milk, and yogurt. A carbohydrate is a macronutrient, a type of food that we need in large quantities in order to live, and it […]