Does the Bread Cause Overweight? False!

This is the most popular myth about weight gain By Rocío Río de la Loza, Health Coach Wheat has been consumed for centuries around the globe. Along with maize and rice, wheat is a staple food for over 4000 million people.[1]The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) estimates that “wheat, in the form […]

All the Benefits of Fiber and Carbohydrates Present in the Bread

Many people avoid the intake of some carbohydrates in order to achieve a better control of body weight, however, in general, they ignore all their energy contributions to the body and the proper functioning of our cells, tissues and organs. The American Diabetes Association describes that carbohydrates are divided into three main types: starches, sugars […]

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

Foods like whole grains and extra virgin olive oil constitute the base of the Mediterranean Diet, which has been historically associated with longevity and good health.[1]The health outcomes of adhering to the Mediterranean Diet include lower rates of obesity and decreased risk of chronic diseases.[2]Learn the key ingredients to live a long, happy, and healthy […]

A Diet Rich in Fiber Fights Cholesterol

Despite the myths, in recent years bread has surprised scientists because of the many benefits it brings to health.Bread provides fiber and carbohydrates, favors good digestion, fights bad cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular diseases, so it must be present in a daily diet in which in addition to include other foods from the Eat Healthfully Plate. […]

Are You Lacking Nutrients in Your Diet?

Feeling cold and tired at all times? Whole wheat bread contains nutrients that you may be lacking! Signs and symptoms of a poor diet: Malnutrition refers to a deficiency of macro and micro nutrients as well as an excess or imbalance of these.[1]The World Health Organization(WHO) explains that undernutrition and obesity can coexist in the […]

A Slice of White Bread Provides the Same Calories as an Apple

White bread can be an excellent source of nutrients with very few calories. Gone is the myth that eating bread can cause health problems, on the contrary, more and more benefits are added. Did you know that a slice of white bread brings the same calories as an apple? That’s right, both foods, in addition […]

Benefits of Carbohydrates During Exercise

   Many foods, including whole grain bread, supply energy for an exercise routine and help us staying healthy and fit. Carbohydrates provide energy for the muscles: When we engage in moderate physical activity or practice our favorite sport the muscles around the skeleton use a simple carbohydrate called “glucose” as energy in order to perform […]

Q&A: Whole Grains & Weight Management

I want to lose weight – should I cut carbs? There is no evidence that a low-carb diet supports weight loss. Most health professionals do not support any weight loss regiment that cuts out entire food groups or macronutrients. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of energy, so cutting them out may make you feel […]