Brown Bag It for Back-to-School Season
With the economy in a slump and back-to-school season drawing near, families across the country are looking for ways to save money while still eating healthy. This fall, the Grain Foods Foundation is encouraging everyone to brown bag it by packing healthy, affordable and satisfying lunches for themselves and their families. Brown-bagging expertise is particularly […]
The Perfect Picnic

July ushers in a season of gathering with close friends and loved ones, and nothing is more fun than a summer picnic. When packing your picnic basket, follow these tips from the Grain Foods Foundation to ensure a healthy, fun time is had by all. Variety is the spice of life. We all may love […]
What’s Your BBQ-IQ?
We all know that barbeque means something different to everyone. So with summer grilling season officially here, the Grain Foods Foundation and Chef Todd English have developed barbeque sandwiches sure to please every unique barbeque personality. First, let’s determine what type of griller you are, by using the guidelines below. Once you’ve determined your BBQ-IQ, […]