You don’t have to go all veg to live longer, study finds, 3/5/15 Findings from an ongoing European study finds that people who consume 70 percent or more of their food from fruits, vegetables and grains had a 20 percent lower risk of dying from heart diseases. This research suggests a vegetarian diet is not necessary for improved heart health but rather a higher ratio of […]

Chemical exposure linked to billions in healthcare

National Geographic, 3/5/15 Researchers found that hormone altering chemicals are linked to attention problems, diabetes, and other health issues. Offending chemicals include BPA, DDE, phthalates, and brominated flame retards are just a few that were studied.

What part of a complete breakfast?

Huffington Post, 3/6/15 Authored by Dr. David Katz, he elaborates on a recent article from Bloomberg (that featured Kellogg’s) questioning the health effects of cereal.

The man who discovered thiamin

Slate, 3/6/15 This article is an adaptation from the book Vitamania: Our obsessive quest for nutritional perfection by Catherine Price. She talks about the history of vitamin deficiency and fortification.

Is it really safe to give babies peanut butter?

The Atlantic, 2/24/15 Reporter talks about latest New England Journal of Medicine study on peanut allergies More than 500 infants at high risk for peanut allergy were randomly assigned to receive peanut products (consumption group) or to avoid them (avoidance group). Overall, the prevalence of peanut allergy in the peanut-avoidance group was 17.2 percent as […]