Healthy Aging: Just the Facts
Grain foods are the foods we love that love us back. Bread, specifically, is a tasty and nutritious food at any age, and especially for healthy aging. Americans may be aging, but they are not slowing down. More than a third of the country’s population is over 50, and, more than ever, they are looking […]
Carbs & Exercise: Commonly Asked Questions
Why are carbohydrates under-consumed by active adults? Active adults often do not consume sufficient carbohydrate to replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores. The reasons include misinformation about carbohydrate nutrition and inadequate understanding of basic sports nutrition concepts. Carbohydrate is unique in that it is used to fuel endurance or aerobic exercise and it is the […]
Carbs & Exercise: Just the Facts
Why we need carbohydrates for exercise Carbohydrate plays a crucial role in exercise by providing fuel to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for working muscles. Carbohydrates are unique in that they can be stored in muscles and the liver as glycogen for an internal source to fuel exercise, and can also be consumed during exercise to […]
Fiber: Common Questions & Answers
How helpful is the food label in identifying fiber in foods? The nutrition facts panel currently lists “dietary fiber” as a total of fibers in the food. It doesn’t differentiate between soluble and insoluble fibers. Also, current health claims define a food as a “good source” of fiber if it contains 2.5 grams of fiber […]
Fiber: Just the Facts
Constipation is a common gastro-intestinal complaint in older adults and is more common in women than men.1 There are some age-related changes in the gut that predispose older individuals to constipation, including decreased elasticity of the colon muscles, but diets low in fiber and water are bigger culprits than physiological changes.1 Most Americans are woefully short […]
Sandwich Hacks with Stacey Krawczyk, RD
Registered dietitian Stacey Krawczyk gives helpful insights to getting the most nutrients from your next sandwich.
Grain Foods in Infant Diets Linked to Superior Diet Quality
A new study recently published in Nutrients highlights the importance of grains as part of a healthy infant diet – and the potential risks of excluding them. The study found grain consumption was generally associated with higher nutrient intakes, better diet quality scores and broader food group intake. Specifically: Energy and Nutrients 6- to 12-months-old infants […]
You Can Have Your Refined Grains and Eat Them Too!
The healthy way to start the day! Studies show that eating refined grains will not increase your risk of disease. You can enjoy up to six or seven servings per day of refined grains. Studies show that eating refined grains will not increase your risk of disease. You can have your refined grains and eat […]
Don’t Refrain, Eat Your Refined Grains
There is no reason to cut refined grains from your diet. Enjoying up to seven servings a day will contribute to nutrient intakes of several vitamins and minerals, and dietary fiber, and will not increase your risk of major chronic diseases. This study found that eating 6-7 servings of refined grains increase Americans vitamins and […]
Think Refined Grains are Bad for You? Think Again!
Most likely you’ve heard someone say, “I’ve cut all refined and processed foods, including white bread, from my diet.” Considering the definition of refined means “free from impurities, fastidious, or cultivated,” it’s curious that refined grains have taken on a negative connotation. What if removing refined grains was not necessary for good health and could […]