Signs a Low Carb Diet Isn’t Working for You

A quick Google search for weight loss tips and you will likely see recommendations to reduce your carbohydrate intake. What those articles fail to realize is the overall impact carbohydrate restriction can have on your body long term. Are you pregnant, an athlete or a senior? Pregnant women need folate, a B-vitamin most associated with […]
Cereal Mashups to Make Your Morning Magnificent

This year for National Cereal Day we’re going beyond just your average bowl of deliciousness with milk. We’re merging, combining, elevating, whatever you want to call it- the result is the same- two delicious cereals together for an epic breakfast. The possi-bowl-ities are endless with flavor variety and nutrition opportunities through fortified cereals, milk, and […]
Better for You Cereals for National Cereal Day!

If you’ve noticed cereal making a comeback, you’re not imagining things! In recent years cereal has once again become a breakfast staple, meeting the flavors and ingredients of all. Cereal is a great option for busy mornings because it’s quick, affordable and can provide a healthy dose of important nutrients. Finding the right cereal for […]
Tips on “Building a Better Sandwich…”

Nearly half of all adults in the US consume one or more sandwiches on any given day, with the most common types of sandwiches being burgers, deli meat sandwiches, poultry, and hot dog/sausage sandwiches. Did you know that what you put in your sandwich is just as important as the bread used in determining the overall nutrition? […]
Perfect Pairings for a Perfect Valentine’s

It’s February, which means everyone’s favorite holiday of celebrating love and relationships is upon us. For many people, Valentine’s Day is not complete without a fancy, multicourse meal shared with the most important person in their life. A meal made with perfect pairings for your own perfect pairing. In honor of Valentine’s Day, the Grain […]
Gluten Free: Q&A

What is the difference between celiac disease, gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity, and gluten-free? Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, meaning the body attacks itself. In the case of celiac disease, the body’s immune response kicks in when gluten, a protein in wheat, is eaten causing the villi – fingerlike projections lining inside walls of the […]
Gluten-Free: Just the Facts

Gluten-free: aisles of the grocery store are devoted to it; tables in school cafeterias are labeled for it; and celebrities swear by it. Should we all follow a gluten-free diet? What Is Gluten, and Why Would Someone Go Gluten-Free? Gluten is a protein in wheat that gives baked goods structure and elasticity. People with celiac […]
5 Reasons Why Folate Is Essential in Your Diet (and how to get more)!

In honor of the National Folic Acid Awareness Week that occurred earlier this month, the Grain Foods Foundation (GFF) would like to not only shed light on why folate is so important to individual health, but also share ways to implement folic acid into your daily diet: Folic acid is a B vitamin (B9). Called […]
Healthy Aging Q&A

Can “healthy” and “aging” really go together? Yes, absolutely! To be the best you can be as you age, the key is adopting strategies to help stay healthy and active for life. Healthy aging is powered by nutrition and physical activity.Four strategies upon which all experts agree: Eat healthfully with foods that supply quality, fiber-rich […]
Grains give nutrient density to older Americans – Make sure you are getting enough in your diet

by Chris Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN “There are more people on the planet over the age of 65 than ever before in human history.”1 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the U.S. population 65 years or older will double in 25 years to approximately 72 million.2 For those reaching 65 years of age, life […]