A Slice of White Bread Provides the Same Calories as an Apple

White bread can be an excellent source of nutrients with very few calories. Gone is the myth that eating bread can cause health problems, on the contrary, more and more benefits are added. Did you know that a slice of white bread brings the same calories as an apple? That’s right, both foods, in addition […]

Benefits of Carbohydrates During Exercise

   Many foods, including whole grain bread, supply energy for an exercise routine and help us staying healthy and fit. Carbohydrates provide energy for the muscles: When we engage in moderate physical activity or practice our favorite sport the muscles around the skeleton use a simple carbohydrate called “glucose” as energy in order to perform […]

Q&A: Whole Grains & Weight Management

I want to lose weight – should I cut carbs? There is no evidence that a low-carb diet supports weight loss. Most health professionals do not support any weight loss regiment that cuts out entire food groups or macronutrients. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of energy, so cutting them out may make you feel […]

Q&A: Whole Grains and Heart Health

Whole Grains and Heart Health

How do whole grains contribute to heart health? Whole grain foods contain fiber, a nutrient that’s important for keeping the heart healthy. Fiber works as a magnet for pulling cholesterol out of the body. High cholesterol levels, especially the LDL “bad” cholesterol, is a marker for heart disease risk. If you can keep your LDL […]

Just the Facts: Whole Grains and Heart Health

Whole Grains and Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Genetics play a role in determining one’s heart disease risk, and there’s little you can do about that. However, you have much more control over certain lifestyle factors, such as following a heart healthy diet, being physically active, and not smoking. Over the […]

Just the Facts: Whole Grains & Weight Management

Q&A Whole Grains and Weight Management

Grain foods are a dietary staple, and with good reason: grain foods are an abundant source of carbohydrates, the preferred fuel for the brain, muscles and most organs of the body. But for people seeking to lose or avoid gaining weight, some trendy diet plans recommend avoiding grains, or even all carbohydrates. What gives? Let’s […]

The Ingredients INSIDE the Sandwich – Not the Bread Itself – are the Leading Contributors of Calories, Fat and Sodium

Americans can significantly and positively impact their consumption of calories, fat and sodium by making more deliberate decisions about sandwich ingredients. By building a better sandwich on either whole grain or enriched grain bread, American children and adolescents can take in fewer calories, fat and sodium than they typically consume in sandwiches now. Sample better (model) […]

Building-A-Better Sandwich in Children Study

Each year we celebrate the sandwich; to be exact, November 3, 2017 is National Sandwich Day. The sandwich was popularized in the 1700s by the 4th Earl of Sandwich, (Sandwich is a medieval town in southeast England in the county of Kent.) The legend goes that the Earl asked for a hunk of beef between […]

Grain Foods Pack More of a Nutrient Punch than a Caloric One

All grain foods contributed less than 15% of all calories in the total diet, while delivering greater than 20% of three shortfall nutrients – dietary fiber, folate, and iron – and greater than 10% of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A. Download this infographic

Powerful Nutrient Mix

Grain foods are the foods we love that love us back – finally, we can enjoy bread again! The nutrient contribution of all whole and refined grain food products, including breads, rolls and tortillas and ready-to-eat cereals, can play a key role in helping American adults meet recommendations for underconsumed nutrients and nutrients of public […]