Changing how Americans think about food is no small feat — especially in a media environment dominated by quick fixes and fad diets. In the face of the low-carb movement that took hold at the turn of the century and sent per capita flour consumption, and with it, bread sales plummeting, the Grain Foods Foundation (GFF) was formed. Bringing together more than 200 commercial bakers, millers and associated industry groups, the GFF lead the charge to educate the American public about the essential role that bread and grains play in the human diet, thereby reestablishing the rightful place of bread and grains on the table.

Research funded by the GFF revealed that while there was considerable consumer confusion about bread, grains and carbs, there was also considerable desire to maintain a diet that included them. What consumers needed was a small dose of understanding about the myriad ways that bread, grains and carbohydrates are used and needed for optimal health.
A modest budget meant acting smarter with fewer resources. Our launch campaign, Grains for LIFE, was designed to cut through the clutter — to give bread its “voice” back and remind consumers that the best diet is one based in wholesome goodness and common sense.
We started by building the most scientifically sound rationale for consuming bread and grains by assembling a board of experts who scoured the research to establish concrete examples of how bread and grains support health and wellness. Those insights were translated into eye-catching, disarming creative executions and campaign messages.
We used the power of publicity supported by the reach of strategic paid creative placement to create an impact that was disproportionate to our actual budget. Key media hubs New York City and Washington, DC, were home to an outdoor campaign that included massive wallscapes, jumbotron presence and wild postings, supplemented by street teams dressed as loaves of bread distributing collateral in key transportation hubs and health-related creative appearing in gyms and health clubs to enhance the “surround sound” experience for consumers, media and influencers. These launch activities — coupled with an aggressive national media relations outreach program — served to inform consumers that bread is essential to a healthful diet and a happy life.

- The campaign launch resulted in major feature pieces on ABC World News Tonight, Good Morning America, CNN and the CBS Morning Show.
- Print coverage included major national outlets such as The New York Times, the Associated Press and United Press International.
- In total, the campaign launch generated more than 1,100 print and broadcast stories, accounting for approximately 200 million media impressions and a 38:1 campaign ROI based on advertising equivalency