Q&A: Whole Grains and Heart Health

How do whole grains contribute to heart health? Whole grain foods contain fiber, a nutrient that’s important for keeping the heart healthy. Fiber works as a magnet for pulling cholesterol out of the body. High cholesterol levels, especially the LDL “bad” cholesterol, is a marker for heart disease risk. If you can keep your LDL […]
Just the Facts: Whole Grains and Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Genetics play a role in determining one’s heart disease risk, and there’s little you can do about that. However, you have much more control over certain lifestyle factors, such as following a heart healthy diet, being physically active, and not smoking. Over the […]
Turkey Green Goddess Sandwich
Grains Contribute Shortfall Nutrients and Nutrient Density to Older US Adults: Data from NHANES, 2011–2014
Previous data demonstrate grain foods contribute shortfall nutrients to the diet of U.S. adults. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have identified several shortfall nutrients in the U.S. population, including fiber, folate, and iron (women only).
Cobb Salad Sandwich
Study shows breads and cereals contribute many nutrients older Americans are missing
Data Presented at American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting May 3, 2018 — Orlando, FL — A new study published this week in the journal, Nutrients, and presented at The American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting (AGS18), shows that grain foods pack a significant punch of the nutrients older Americans need most. Presently, more than a third […]
Grain Foods Foundation Welcomes Celiac Expert Pamela Cureton, RD, LDN to Scientific Advisory Board

Cureton to guide key programming and initiatives related to gluten-free diets and celiac disease February 15, 2018 – Washington, D.C. – The Grain Foods Foundation announces today the addition of Registered Dietitian and celiac disease expert Pamela Cureton to its Scientific Advisory Board. Cureton, a clinical and research dietitian, has specialized in gluten disorders since […]
Just the Facts: Whole Grains & Weight Management

Grain foods are a dietary staple, and with good reason: grain foods are an abundant source of carbohydrates, the preferred fuel for the brain, muscles and most organs of the body. But for people seeking to lose or avoid gaining weight, some trendy diet plans recommend avoiding grains, or even all carbohydrates. What gives? Let’s […]
Low carbohydrate diets may increase risk of neural tube defects
Folic acid fortification significantly reduced the prevalence of neural tube defects (NTDs) in the United States. The popularity of “low carb” diets raises concern that women who intentionally avoid carbohydrates, thereby consuming fewer fortified foods, may not have adequate dietary intake of folic acid.
“I Love Bread”
Those who enjoy rolls, biscuits and loaves have a new rallying cry: “I love bread!”. Sing-a-long to comedic track from Parry Gripp and watch as the animated cartoon stars different foods declaring their love of bread!