The Grain Foods Foundation (GFF) is committed to supporting research to better understand the role of grain foods in healthy lifestyles. This support includes issuing an annual Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify studies to fund, as well as directly funding studies as investigators submit opportunities for GFF’s consideration. GFF is proud of the caliber and quality of the research it supports, and proposals are thoroughly vetted by external, third-party scientist reviewers who help guide the selection of projects, based on their areas of expertise.
As part of this commitment to high-quality research, GFF adheres to the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) Guiding Principles for Managing and Conducting Nutrition Research Funded by Entities at Interest and respectfully requests that all scientists collaborating with GFF do the same.
In addition, GFF believes:
- Researchers should retain control of all aspects of GFF-funded studies, including the study design, management of the research, and interpretation of the results.
- Scientific investigators should be encouraged to publish study results, regardless of the outcome, in a timely fashion.
- Payment to academic institutions should be based on the scope and terms of the agreed contract established prior to a study commencing, not the study results.
- Transparency is key when communicating research to all audiences, and funding sources should always be disclosed in the published manuscript and in any communications materials distributed by scientists and GFF.
- Science communications content should be created and reviewed by credentialed nutrition experts, who help ensure information about a GFF-funded published study is accurately and relevantly communicated in the context of the complete body of evidence.