Produce pride: Showing the love with vegetable tattoos
NPR The Salt, 2/25/15 Jenna Weiler, a farmer and food entrepreneur from Michigan, has a Kickstarter underway to raise money for Tater Tats, a temporary vegetable tattoo business.
Study links common food additives to Crohn’s disease, colitis
Reuters, 2/25/15 Additives in common items may actually promote the inflammatory bowel diseases colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Vitamin BS
The Atlantic, 2/26/15 The recently released book – Vitamania is gaining traction and in this interview with the author – questions like whether humans need supplements if they’re getting nutrients from foods and if over-fortification is an issue are discussed.
Will the Dietary Guidelines consider the planet? The fight is on
NPR The Salt, 2/26/15 Meat and dairy are under fire for being less than sustainable food sources. Will the government change their recommendations to save the planet?
Michelle Obama: US undergoing food ‘culture change,’ notes Georgetown team gave fans kale
US News, 2/26/15 Michelle Obama said Thursday that the U.S. has undergone a “culture change” in the five years since she started raising awareness about childhood obesity. But as she celebrated achievements on multiple fronts, the first lady also warned that the progress that’s been made is “incredibly fragile.”
Healthy diet linked to lung health
Reuters, 2/26/15 Among its many rewards, eating a healthy diet might help protect against the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, according to a new study.
3 Next-Level Grains to Try
Food & Wine, 2/26/15 We asked chefs to peek into their crystal balls and tell us what foods we’ll be talking about in the next five years. Here’s what they predicted.
Plant-Based Dietary Guidelines Herald Healthier, Sustainable Future
US News, 2/26/15 The 2015 report knocks meat off the list of recommended foods and singles out vegetarian diets as one of the healthiest eating patterns
Fruits and vegetables get a star-studded marketing push
Washington’s Top News, 2/26/15 A campaign launched by the Partnership for a Healthier America enlists celebrities to endorse fruits and vegetables.
Gluten Sensitivity That Isn’t Celiac: Rigorous Study Finds Evidence For Sensitivity Without Disease
Medical Daily, 2/26/15 A discussion on the debate on gluten sensitivity.