Dietary Fat Intake And Cognitive Decline In Women With Type 2 Diabetes
This study investigated whether dietary fat, which modulates glucose and lipid metabolism, might influence cognitive decline in older adults with diabetes.
Prospective Study Of Dietary Pattern And Risk Of Parkinson Disease
Two studies examined whether major dietary patterns were associated with risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD) in two large study populations. Researchers found that a plant-based dietary pattern, which includes whole grains, may protect against PD.
Pass The Grain; Spare The Brain
Recent prospective studies show that higher adherence to a Mediterranean-type diet has been associated with slower cognitive decline, reduced risk of progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease, and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease overall.
Glycemic load and risk of Alzheimer’s disease
A prospective study in 939 persons aged 65 years and older without dementia explored the relation of glycemic load (GL) and Alzheimer’s risk. The authors concluded that GL is not associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly.
Mediterranean Diet And Cognitive Decline
A literature review in an elderly population in Italy found that essential components of the Mediterranean diet — monounsaturated fatty acids, cereals/grains and wine — seem to protect against age-related cognitive decline.
Folic Acid in Your Shopping Cart

For an easy way to maintain a healthy diet and take steps toward preventing birth defects, learn what foods can help you reach your daily folic acid intake goals.
A Noble Guardian: Enriched Grains and Prenatal Health

One way to support prenatal health is to eat enriched grain foods, which supply folic acid for a lowered risk of some birth defects. Learn about how it all works.
Keep It Simple — Healthy Foods Instead of a Fad Diet Health, 1/23/15 Fad diets can lead to successful weight loss if you follow them exactly as they are designed. But that doesn’t mean every food that fits a diet is healthy. The rules are difficult to follow for a long term, so most people give up. The weight they worked so hard to lose comes […]
Clear Desserts From Your Menu To Lose Weight
Lucky, 1/23/15 Weight losses for almost all women is a difficult task, but it is even more difficult once you reach the post-menopause. According to scientists, like over-50 but easy to lose weight, provided that you follow three main lines: skip the dessert, limit your consumption of meat and cheese and eat more fruits and […]
Gluten illness among children triples over last 20 years… but those from poor families are only half as likely to be diagnosed
Daily Mail, 1/22/15 The number of young children diagnosed with coeliac disease – where they react to gluten in food – has tripled in the last 20 years, say researchers. But poorer children are only half as likely to be diagnosed with the condition as those from wealthier families.